
Scott offers multiple workshop lengths, from a 1-hour mini-workshop to follow any of his keynotes (click here to see descriptions of his keynote topics), up to a multiple-day immersive experience. All workshops are custom-designed to meet the unique needs of his audience. They build in practical tools to help change behaviors, and are designed with key adult learning principles in mind:
Adult Learning Principles
- Learners need to practice the skill vs. just receive information, through of range of expertly crafted exercises
- Present workshop content in a variety of formats to embrace various learning styles
- Give participants a menu of pragmatic tools to choose from to help change habits
- Learning must apply to the learner’s actual job within their specific work context
- Learners must understand the goal/personal relevance of each learning experience
- Learners learn best when emotionally and intellectually engaged (so make it fun and inspiring)!
Popular workshops include:
Coaching People to Success workshop: For managers of others, one of the most vital skills they can build is the ability to effectively coach others, but most fall far short here. This workshop helps each participant to become not just a good coach, but a once-in-a-career coach, one that people look back on in their careers with great fondness and appreciation. The high-powered workshop teaches the mindset of the greatest coaches, the structure of great coaching conversations, how to pinpoint an employee’s opportunity areas, how to give great feedback, how to have difficult conversations, and how to remove an employee’s barriers to growth. Examples of highly-engaging exercises used include “Skill/Will/Hill plotting,” feedback role-playing using the SHARES Feedback Framework, and “Teachable Moments” (a pick-a-card game).
Becoming Mentally Stronger workshop: Mental strength is the ability to self-regulate your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to achieve exceptional outcomes, despite circumstances. It’s about managing internally, so you can lead externally (professionally and personally), and participants learn to do exactly that in this hands-on workshop.
The group will build skills in each of the areas that comprise mental strength, the six tests of leadership that most directly correlate with exceptional achievement, and that require self-regulation skills to navigate them effectively:
Participants start by taking a Mental Strength Self-Assessment, and then engage in a variety of exercises, such as the Lenses of Resilience exercise, the COIN flip exercise (for changing unhelpful “old stories” or narratives), the Limiting Beliefs and Behaviors exercise, and much more. The exercises are interwoven with some “keynote-like” elements to create an emotionally and intellectually engaging experience. The net result is a group who becomes mentally stronger, achieves more, and overcomes more challenges, at work, and in life. Participants learn to do exactly that in this hands on workshop, which builds from the Becoming Mentally Stronger keynote.
As with all workshops, it’s custom-tailored to meet the specific needs of the audience.
Living & Leading Change workshop: This workshop is intended for leaders of change, who could use the help, as 70% of change initiatives fail! The session builds from the Flourishing in Change keynote and focuses on teaching the audience everything they need to excel as change leaders. Participants discover the core Truths of Change, the 5 most important attributes to embody as leaders of change (the 5 C’s of Change Leadership), The 7 Rules of Communicating in Change, getting true commitment to change, conducting a Change Readiness Assessment, creating a vision for change, leading in sudden change, and more. Scott will work with you to custom-tailor the training to focus on the key elements of change management that are of most interest to you. Examples of highly-engaging exercises used include “To vs. For behavior brainstorming,” “The 1-on-1 Change Conversation roleplay,” and showing employees how to change using the BEST Guide.
The Feel of World Class Teams workshop: This workshop helps teams gel together as a high-performing unit. It builds from the keynote The Feel of World-Class Teams (or can be done as a stand-alone workshop), and focuses on how to build the kind of behavioral norms and psychological feel that are the trademarks of the best teams in the world. Examples of highly-engaging exercises used include the “POWER” exercise for inspiring the audience to work on things that make the biggest impact, the “Assist Success vs. Avoid Failure” exercise, and the “Send the Right Signals, Impede the Wrong Impulses” exercise to encourage smart risk-taking.
How to Leave a Legacy at Work (and in Life) workshop: This workshop is intended to immediately follow the keynote How to Leave a Legacy at Work (and in Life). Exercises include participants working by themselves to craft their own legacy statements (using a combination of The Innerview questionnaire and the Values Vault self-assessment, meant to determine their values). Robust, guided discussion then follows.
Leading Brilliantly as a Middle Manager workshop: This workshop helps the backbone of any organization, the middle manager, substantially increase the influence they wield in their organization: on their boss, their employees, and their peers (those over whom they have no formal authority). Building from the keynote Leading Brilliantly as a Middle Manager, it’s designed to help middle managers overcome unique challenges inherent in their role, to develop the mindset and skillset required to lead effectively from the middle, and to build their skills in leading in all directions (up, down, and across the organization). It teaches the Managing Up Staircase, how to be a brilliant coach to your employees, how to influence your peers with the Pillars of Peer Influence, and more, all based on specific audience needs.
*Alternate title for the Workshop: Increase Your Influence: This workshop can also go by this alternate title in case you don’t want the focus to be on middle management, per se, but are still interested in having your audience learn how to increase their influence within their organization.
Leading High-Performing Organizations workshop: This workshop builds from the keynote The Secret to High-Performing Organizations, while incorporating a series of highly-engaging exercises. It focuses on how to motivate employees to the highest level of performance by creating a sense of meaning. The group learns how to foster “The Markers of Meaning” – specific conditions leaders can foster to create meaning in and at work (working with a sense of purpose and autonomy, fueling learning and personal growth, creating a sense of competency and self-esteem, and working in a caring environment.) Other content options for this workshop include building skills in coaching and feedback, motivating others, EQ/empathy/psychological safety, and communication. Scott will work with you to custom-tailor the training to focus on the high-performance elements that are of most interest to you.
Leading with Empathy workshop: More than ever, leaders must learn to lead with empathy to help employees thrive in an increasingly unforgiving work environment. In this workshop, participants start with a definition of empathy (what it is and isn’t), then learn how to apply empathy to motivate, set expectations, empower, visibly care, reward and recognize, set goals, and more. Examples of highly-engaging exercises used include the “What it Feels Like When” roleplay, “The Good to Great Grid,” and the DRIVE pyramid.
Fuel the Fire (Maximize Your Momentum) workshop: Momentum is hard to gain, and even harder to keep. In this workshop, participants learn to self-sustain motivation and avoid “The Anti-Muses,” with exercises on overcoming fear of failure and criticism, bolstering their perseverance/fortitude, stopping defeatist inner-monologue, and more.
Workshops based on any of Scott’s LinkedIn Learning courses: Have you/your audience watched one of Scott’s LinkedIn Learning courses, and would like him to conduct a virtual workshop to complement the course-viewing? Just let Scott know which course and what length of time, and he’ll craft a workshop accordingly.