2020. ‘Nuff said. Get into the spirit of lifting spirits this week by doing any of the following 24 things for your workmates (or life mates for that matter):
1. Tell someone why they matter
It will matter to them.
2. Give a compliment for something you take for granted
It will be beyond appreciated.
3. Tell a peer what they’ve taught you
They’ll be flattered.
4. Quietly take something off someone’s plate
One less thing to do is a good thing done.
5. Start a (Zoom) meeting with a positive rant on someone
They’ll positively glow.
6. Give someone feedback from the heart
If it comes from the heart, it sticks in the mind.
7. Ask how someone’s doing–and mean it
Maybe even listen so well that you ask a follow up question or two!
8. Remind someone you’re rooting for them
Odds are they could use the reminder.
9. Showcase someone when they’re not expecting it
And do so with gusto.
10. Back someone up in a meeting–just because
It’s always nice to be validated.
11. Sing the tune of an unsung hero
See if you can get a chorus going.
12. Erase one degree of someone’s insecurity
It might dissipate ten more.
13. Speak highly of someone when they’re not there
With any luck, it will get back to them.
14. Re-route three compliments you’ve received
Not “Return to Sender”, “Forward with Care”.
15. Enthusiastically bring someone into a conversation
And take their input to heart, they’ll take it to heart they got the chance.
16. Notice someone trying to be great and encourage them
They’ll notice that you noticed.
17. Tell someone three things you couldn’t do without them
Better yet, tell three people three things you couldn’t do without them.
18. Pitch in for someone who’s exhausted
You’ll put a smile on their face.
19. Invite a junior employee to a session they’d learn from
It’s one meeting they might actually appreciate.
20. Cancel a meeting just because
Do you really need a reason?!
21. For one day, include praise in every email you write
The one time a mistaken “reply all” won’t cause a coronary.
22. Be that person who really listened
They’ll know it.
23. Praise your boss (and mean it)
They might even deserve it, and probably never hear it.
24. Check in on someone from your last job
Don’t be a ghost of Christmas past.
So don’t be afraid to take a moment to spread a little cheer this week, in unexpected ways. We all could use it now more than ever.
NOTE: Check out my new “Change Leadership” course– it’s about leading in times of sudden change. The ability to lead in change is the #1 indicator of a high-potential employee. Build this vital skill for FREE by clicking this link: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/change-leadership/leading-in-sudden-change
Such great advice to carry over into the New Year, and include in our daily personal and work life. Copied for continued reference. Thanks so much.
Happy Healthy Holiday 🎊🎉🤗
Thanks so much Jerry for taking the time to reach out with your kind thoughts. Much more content to come in the New Year!