INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership)
I recently came across an idea worth spreading:
Leave the small fights to the small fighters.
Imagine the power unleashed if you pick the right battles, if you stopped fighting:
· to achieve others’ definition of success
· with unimportant people who have ridiculous, ill-informed opinions
· with in-laws
· to control everything around you
· all the little fights that wouldn’t amount to anything meaningful if you won them
Imagine the power if, instead, you started fighting:
· for your vision
· for your dreams
· against injustices of weight that you can impact
· for your ideas
· for your legacy
Leave the small fights to the small fighters. Pick the “battles” that matter.
IMPERFECTIONS (a mistake many make)
If you’re honest, how often do you forget this?

Do you find yourself raging against the wind too often? The truth is, all-too-often, your screams just get swept up in the swirls, forcefully cast aside to fall on the ears of, no one, or anything, that will cause that wind to bow to your demands.
Better to recognize when your resistance amounts to howling into a maelstrom, and focus instead on what you can control; the sails you can adjust to ride the current of the winds, or to change direction altogether.
Do you find yourself, right now, with anything in your life, battling the wind versus adjusting the sails? If so, make it time for a maritime shift.
IMPLEMENTATION (one research-backed strategy, tip, or tool)
Composer Lin-Manuel Miranda has a simple strategy for achieving balance in your life. It has to do with inertia. As the multi-talented man says:
“Inertia’s a helluva drug.
If you’ve been going nonstop, be an object at rest.
If you’ve been at rest too long, get in motion.
Don’t rely on an external force, kick inertia in the grundle.”
That’s it. Be intentional and rest, or get going, when you need to.
What’s the state of your inertia?
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