INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) Hot off the press Gallup research pinpoints what followers most need from their leaders right now. Hope. The … [Read more...]
Issue #109: On Lessons from LeBron James’s Sneaker Deal, the 16th Second Dilemma, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) If you’ve seen the movie Air, you saw the story of how Nike courted a young Michael Jordan to sign a shoe deal (a major coup … [Read more...]
LeBron James Just Outscored His Childhood Idol, Michael Jordan. But He’s Not Happy–for the Same Reason You’re Not
LeBron James has more in common with you than you might think
No matter what you think of LeBron James, you can't deny he's an achiever. On Wednesday night, he added to his pile of accomplishments by becoming the fourth leading all-time … [Read more...]