I’m an optimist but even I’m noticing the prolific increase in divisiveness across all walks of life of late, whether it’s a sports story that divides our opinions, … [Read more...]
Want to Be a Beloved Leader to Your Employees? Develop These 5 Habits
Practicing these five powerful tenets of leadership will make you unforgettable to employees and irreplaceable to employers
The thing I wanted more than anything “growing up” as a leader was to be unforgettable to employees–for my impact on their performance, growth, happiness, and life. Did I … [Read more...]
The Most Self-Aware Leaders Don’t Lose Sight of These 5 Things
Self-awareness doesn't happen solo--sometime leaders need help. Here it is.
Leaders that can come to grips with their own blind spots and tune into toxic, unspoken rules are skilled leaders indeed. Both of these things fit into the … [Read more...]
If Even Bill Gates has a Mentor, So Should You
Mentoring makes you better, no matter how good you are. I’ll show you how to find one.
For me, making the leap from corporate world to the world of author, speaker, educator, and entrepreneur required one last push. As ready as I thought I was, I still had last … [Read more...]