INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) There are enough things in the world around us, and in our day to day, that strip away our confidence and stoke our self-doubt. … [Read more...]
Issue #49: On Preventing Angry Outbursts, Spreading Positive Gossip, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) In 2012, a Harvard psychologist proved, and get ready for this, that the brain can’t distinguish between past memories and … [Read more...]
Issue #27: On an Unusual Interview Tip, Overcoming a Fear of Failure, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) These days, if you want interview advice, it’s easy enough to google it. Do so and you’ll find zillions of entries. But you won’t … [Read more...]
11 Annoying Business Buzzwords You Use Without Thinking and What to Say Instead
Communication is hard enough--don't get people tuning out by using this jargon
Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafley once told me that 90 percent of his job was trying to communicate. That's the case for many business leaders who spend a … [Read more...]