INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) I get asked frequently how I keep perspective and stay so positive-minded in today’s increasingly troubling world (insert … [Read more...]
Issue #137: On Aristotle’s Key to Inner-Peace, Balance You Might Be Missing, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) What’s the key to inner-peace? It’s a profound question, that many a scholar, author, scientist, researcher have tried to … [Read more...]
Issue #112: On Picking the Right Battles, Lin-Manuel’s Key to Balance, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) I recently came across an idea worth spreading: Leave the small fights to the small fighters. Imagine the power unleashed if … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence and Feel Like You’re Enough
Using these six strategies will boost your self-confidence and self-worth for good
I coach a lot of people on leaving the corporate world to monetize their expertise as an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, or trainer. Friends often ask me, “What keeps … [Read more...]
Mexico’s World Cup Win Caused an Earthquake. Then, the Coach Shared His 1 Inspirational Secret to Success
Yes, an actual earthquake. Every entrepreneur should learn from Juan Carlos Osorio's strategy that caused it
You read that headline right. In the midst of many compelling World Cup stories, this one is literally earth-shattering, Mexico was playing the defending World Cup … [Read more...]