I'm convinced that two things will be the death of us all. Number one: death. Number two: meetings. There's an overwhelming amount of data on how meetings are not only not … [Read more...]
Considering 1 Word Each Morning For 60 Seconds Dramatically Sharpened My Focus For the Day. Here’s Why
As focus and productivity hacks go, this one's a 60-second cinch.
The greatest enemy of productivity is a lack of focus. And we'd like to believe that we can effectively multi-task but that whole thing is a myth (research from … [Read more...]
Google’s Best Leaders Stretch and Grow Their Teams in These 4 Savvy Ways
Google is known for research-backed leadership wisdom. Here's another dose
One of the primary responsibilities of a leader is to find ways to get more out of the teams they lead. More top and bottom line growth, greater productivity, bigger … [Read more...]
Research Says Getting More Sleep Means Less Missed Opportunities and Fewer Bad Ideas Pursued
A study of 885 entrepreneurs shows sleep-deprived deficits get solved by more sleep.
Science keeps teaching us about the power of sleep, whether it's for the range of career benefits or for enhanced productivity, or whether it's about the lack … [Read more...]
Want to Better Balance Your Work and Life Without Feeling Guilty? Stop Apologizing For These 5 Things
It's hard enough to integrate your work and life in a way that works--don't add guilt to the mix.
There are very few people that don't struggle with work-life balance, at least to some extent. We all want to get better at it, but we don't want to make tradeoffs in … [Read more...]
These Common Mental Mistakes Are Destroying Your Productivity. Here’s How to Fix Them
These mistakes ruin your proclivity for productivity
The pursuit of productivity has become an obsession, with no shortage of advice available for how to increase one's output. Similarly, advice on how … [Read more...]
LinkedIn Founder Reid Hoffman Says Leaders Must Set a Drumbeat for Their Organizations. Here’s How to Do Just That
These are the five cadences leaders should set for their organization
One of the most important jobs of a leader is to set the vision and strategy, and to provide a path for others to follow. But there's a not-so-obvious role the … [Read more...]
Tim Cook Powerfully Expressed the Importance of Showing Respect. Here Are 9 Ways to Show Employees More of It
We're all capable of treating others with dignity and respect -- it's a choice
There are many opportunities daily to show dignity and respect toward fellow human beings simply in how we interact with them. And yet, too many miss too … [Read more...]
3 Mental Errors That Feed Your Procrastination Habit
These sneaky mis-beliefs keep you from getting things done
If ever there was a yin to productivity's yang, an oil to productivity's water, it's procrastination, which is something nobody in business can afford given how fast, efficient and … [Read more...]
This Productivity Drain Saps a Whopping 32 Days a Year from Employees
We're all trying to squeeze out more productivity, so it's time to put the squeeze on this surprising output drain.
The quest for business productivity is its own massive category, with countless companies hoping the latest, greatest productivity app will turn out to be a boon for team … [Read more...]