If you’re reading this, odds are, you’re a middle manager, i.e. someone who has a boss and is a boss, who has to lead and influence from the messy middle, up, down, and across … [Read more...]
Want to Boost Your EQ Skills? Try This Powerful 5-Minute Daily Exercise
It's amazing that something as involved as emotional intelligence only involves 5 minutes per day to master it
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to be aware of, comprehend, manage, and effectively express one’s own feelings, as well as effectively interact with others and their … [Read more...]
Avoid the Number One Regret of the Dying to Live a More Fulfilled Life
Palliative nurse Bronnie Ware has captured hundreds of regrets from terminally ill patients, none greater than this one.
Regrets. They are the great common denominator–no matter race, color, creed–they’re the one thing we universally try to avoid with the time we’re given. The pursuit … [Read more...]