INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) Warren Buffett has shared, more than once, the key to achieving - in investing, leadership, or life. And it might not be … [Read more...]
Issue #161: Warren Buffett on Low-Hanging Fruit, Taking Progressive Risk, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) Many of us hold periods of calm as the gold standard of work-life. Work hard, get through the tough stuff, and eventually, you’ll … [Read more...]
Issue #152: An Apple Co-Founder’s Surprising Take on Achievement, Warren Buffett’s Bestie on Mistakes, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) I recently attended a graduation where the co-founder of Apple computer, Steve Wozniak, gave a surprising speech. The man arguably … [Read more...]
Issue #142: Wistful Wisdom From Warren Buffett, Your Evolving Identity, And More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) Berkshire Hathaway’s latest Annual Report was recently released, and it opened with a wistful letter from the … [Read more...]
Issue #122: On Warren Buffett’s Egg-Timer Lesson, the 10/10/10 Decision Making Test, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) Author Suzy Welch told CNBC: Make It about a life lesson she learned from Warren Buffett, in the oddest of … [Read more...]
These 10 Words From Warren Buffett Are the Key to Living a Happy Life
Warren Buffett offers a buffet of advice -- perhaps none more poignant than this.
Warren Buffett has lived to a ripe old age where he’s seen a lot, heard a lot, and said a lot. So when I came across what the billionaire investor says … [Read more...]
Warren Buffett Taught Bill Gates to Do More of These 2 Things to Boost Success and Happiness
Gates considers this advice as some of the most influential in his life
Bill Gates recently sat down for an interview at an event hosted by Village Capital (a venture capital firm) and took the chance to reflect on his friendship … [Read more...]
In 1 Powerful Sentence Warren Buffett Just Shared the Key to Leading With Empathy
The Oracle of Omaha was opining on, of all people, former baseball star turned entrepreneur Alex Rodriguez.
Warren Buffett is at it again, this time spouting nuggets of wisdom in, of all places, Sports Illustrated. The magazine interviewed him for their July 1, … [Read more...]
Bill Gates Accidentally Learned the Key to Public Speaking By Giving a Talk to Warren Buffett And Friends
The Microsoft founder and ex-CEO wasn't a confident public speaker. Until he gave a certain speech.
Netflix just started airing a documentary on the king of Microsoft, Bill Gates. But some of the story hit the cutting room floor, and Mr. Gates wasn't … [Read more...]
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Say They’re Friends Because They Share These Crucial Leadership Traits
This is why this odd couple being friends isn't so odd
We're often drawn to people we share common values with. When you have leaders of the accomplishment level and stature of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, you have to pay particular … [Read more...]