Any leader, entrepreneur, or anyone in business has to deal with criticism --it's part of the deal. But no one said it's easy, so when high-profile people … [Read more...]
60-Second Habits for Quick Bursts of Personal Growth
Six not-so-obvious but oh-so-quick ways of amping up personal growth
Anyone working in a business big or small can benefit from one universally powerful thing: personal growth. Entrepreneurs are some of the hungriest for it because there's so … [Read more...]
The Highest Paid Person In the Meeting Is the Most Dangerous Voice, According to Wharton’s Adam Grant
The person with the biggest salary can crush diversity of thought and more if not careful.
I've seen it happen often enough. A senior leader is present and no one says much until the senior leader does. People then fall over themselves to comment, … [Read more...]
17 Sacrifices the Best Leaders Willingly Make for Their Team
Leadership is about what you give up, not just what you take on
Part of being a leader is picking the right priorities. Good leaders have a knack for knowing what to take on. Great leaders also know what to give up. True leaders … [Read more...]
11 Mental Tricks to Stop Overthinking Everything
Stop worrying and start growing
Being a leader requires confidence, decisiveness, and quick thinking--none of which are served by overthinking every decision or scenario or worrying about … [Read more...]
Harvard Research Says Stop Hiding This About Yourself If You Want to Be an Admired Leader
Come clean on this one thing and keep that success rolling.
Achieving success as a leader is a difficult enough thing to accomplish. So why would we jeopardize it once we achieve it? But research from Harvard … [Read more...]
Want to Be a Beloved Leader to Your Employees? Develop These 5 Habits
Practicing these five powerful tenets of leadership will make you unforgettable to employees and irreplaceable to employers
The thing I wanted more than anything “growing up” as a leader was to be unforgettable to employees–for my impact on their performance, growth, happiness, and life. Did I … [Read more...]
How to Foster the 1 Thing Employees Would Sacrifice a Quarter of Their Income For
A quarter of anyone's salary is a lot of scratch to give up. What's worthy of the sacrifice?
The quest to keep employees motivated is a never-ending one. But that quest is even further challenged when we realize that 70 percent of employees are … [Read more...]
Doing These 5 Things Makes You Look Extremely Indecisive
Not making a decision is a form of decision-making. It's just not a healthy one for any leader.
There are plenty of tricky subjects ripe for improvement as a leader, like operating smartly in crisis or spotting truly disengaged employees or … [Read more...]
If Your Boss Does These 5 Things, It’s Time to Quit, According to Science
You've got to know when it's time to go
There's an old adage that says people don't quit their jobs, they quit their boss (i.e. a bad boss drives them out, not the work itself). So how do you know … [Read more...]