There’s very little more soul-crushing than when you don’t feel respected and valued at work. I’d venture to say that over the portfolio of our career, we all will experience, at a … [Read more...]
This Is Why You Fear Change, and What to Do About It (According to Science)
An escalating amount of research indicates that change is tough on us. De-escalate the issue with the 4C's of Change.
Overcoming a fear of change can be as difficult as overcoming a fear of failure. I mean like untangling-your-earbuds-when-you’re-in-a-hurry difficult. But if change … [Read more...]
Now That I’m In My Early 50’s, Here’s What I’ve Learned About Achieving Success That Escaped Me at 25
Being officially in my early 50's requires reflection almost as a duty. So I focused mine on what I've learned about success since being half my current age.
I like writing about timeless lessons for success or key behaviors that lead to success. I’ve even written about famous failures that will inspire you to success. But … [Read more...]
A 27-Year Study Says 1 Thing Is Key to Happiness and Longevity in Work and Life
It all comes from one thing that you can spark with eight questions to yourself.
Here's a news flash: In today's world, work and life are intertwined beyond separability. We'd love to work longer, more productively, with more passion, and live that … [Read more...]
The 5 Best Things You Can Secretly Do For Your Employees
As a manager, while you should be great at your craft, no one said you couldn't be crafty. Here's how you can propel your people--with a twinkle in your eye.
There’s nothing I treasure more than helping my employees become a better version of themselves–all while being a sneaky version of myself (sometimes). It makes it even … [Read more...]
Overcome a Fear of Failure in These 6 Powerful Ways
So many, so tired, so ready for change in their work life, but fear of failure would love for you to just, not. Fight back.
I wrote an article that garnered massive readership: “I Left My Corporate Job–And These 8 Things Became Clear”. It told me two things: a) even a blind squirrel finds a nut every … [Read more...]
This 1 Word Gives You Something Greater Than Happiness in Your Career and Life (It Did For Me)
So much is written about how to be happy. But what about beyond happy?
We so often focus on what can make us happy at work and in life, and for good reason. But there's something else to aim for that will yield happiness as a side … [Read more...]
If Your Boss Does These 5 Things, It’s Time to Quit, According to Science
You've got to know when it's time to go
There's an old adage that says people don't quit their jobs, they quit their boss (i.e. a bad boss drives them out, not the work itself). So how do you know … [Read more...]