Everyone and their mother has their secret to leadership and there’s no shortage of articles on leadership lessons extracted from virtually … [Read more...]
A 27-Year Study Says 1 Thing Is Key to Happiness and Longevity in Work and Life
It all comes from one thing that you can spark with eight questions to yourself.
Here's a news flash: In today's world, work and life are intertwined beyond separability. We'd love to work longer, more productively, with more passion, and live that … [Read more...]
A Wendy’s Manager Sent This Shocking Apology Email to an Irate Customer (It Does Way More Harm Than Good)
Actually, honestly is not always the best policy.
We've all experienced poor customer service. My wife and I lament all the time that customer service seems to be declining fast everywhere we turn--but somehow not … [Read more...]
Avoid the Number One Regret of the Dying to Live a More Fulfilled Life
Palliative nurse Bronnie Ware has captured hundreds of regrets from terminally ill patients, none greater than this one.
Regrets. They are the great common denominator–no matter race, color, creed–they’re the one thing we universally try to avoid with the time we’re given. The pursuit … [Read more...]
If Your Boss Does These 5 Things, It’s Time to Quit, According to Science
You've got to know when it's time to go
There's an old adage that says people don't quit their jobs, they quit their boss (i.e. a bad boss drives them out, not the work itself). So how do you know … [Read more...]