There has been much debate about working from home and whether or not it's a productivity boost or major productivity drain. Paranoid managers envision employees lying on their … [Read more...]
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Says This 1 Thing Unlocks Employee Greatness. (It’s Why Microsoft Is Winning Again)
Satya Nadella boils down Microsoft's success into one powerful, unexpected driver.
CEOs have an overwhelming amount to worry about and focus on, especially incredibly complex tech companies like Microsoft. That's why I found Microsoft CEO Satya … [Read more...]
9 Signs Your Workplace Is Emotionally Unintelligent and What to Do About It
Research shows many fleeing corporate America are driven to do so by increasingly low emotional intelligence in the workplace. And who's taking flight will surprise you (not).
Here’s a troubling trend. Other than fidget spinners I mean. Research among those recently leaving corporate life indicates a surprising thread. Guess what strength … [Read more...]
30 Unhelpful Habits You Should Scrub Away (In Time for Spring Cleaning Season)
The ritual of spring cleaning isn't just for the home, it's for bad habits too. These mantras will inspire a scrubbed and shinier you.
With Spring in the air, you can spring into action and sanitize yourself of bad habits. Here are 30 meaningful (and what research says are common) places to scour: 1. Double your … [Read more...]
The 5 Best Things You Can Secretly Do For Your Employees
As a manager, while you should be great at your craft, no one said you couldn't be crafty. Here's how you can propel your people--with a twinkle in your eye.
There’s nothing I treasure more than helping my employees become a better version of themselves–all while being a sneaky version of myself (sometimes). It makes it even … [Read more...]
Google’s Best Leaders Use This Simple Tool to Show Care and Concern for Their Employees
The search giant ends the search for a way leaders can easily invest in employees as a whole
Google is known for studying, measuring, and systematizing just about every facet of leadership--what makes the best leaders, the best teams, and even the best email … [Read more...]
Are You a Leader With High Potential? You Are if You Answer ‘Yes’ to These 6 Questions
Future star leaders can put a star next to these six discerning questions
There may be nothing more important to an organization than spotting and nourishing high-potential leaders--the ripple effect on an organization of having such … [Read more...]
Overcome a Fear of Failure in These 6 Powerful Ways
So many, so tired, so ready for change in their work life, but fear of failure would love for you to just, not. Fight back.
I wrote an article that garnered massive readership: “I Left My Corporate Job–And These 8 Things Became Clear”. It told me two things: a) even a blind squirrel finds a nut every … [Read more...]
A Wendy’s Manager Sent This Shocking Apology Email to an Irate Customer (It Does Way More Harm Than Good)
Actually, honestly is not always the best policy.
We've all experienced poor customer service. My wife and I lament all the time that customer service seems to be declining fast everywhere we turn--but somehow not … [Read more...]
I left my corporate job and these 8 things became clear
Note to reader: what follows is the single most viral article I've written, re-shared here by popular request
Many dream about leaving behind corporate life. Reporting to no one but yourself. A seven-second commute to your screened-in porch. About four years ago, I did it. After more … [Read more...]