We might not realize it, but our self-esteem and self-confidence are under assault every single day. I recently conducted research that revealed a shocking 93 percent … [Read more...]
Want to Be Happier? Stop This 1 Self-Defeating Habit
Gaining a sense of control in our life can be difficult enough. Why would we give it away with this one particularly self-defeating habit (that you can end)?
A report by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicates that the number-one contributor to happiness in life is not money, popularity, or even a good sex … [Read more...]
Now That I’m In My Early 50’s, Here’s What I’ve Learned About Achieving Success That Escaped Me at 25
Being officially in my early 50's requires reflection almost as a duty. So I focused mine on what I've learned about success since being half my current age.
I like writing about timeless lessons for success or key behaviors that lead to success. I’ve even written about famous failures that will inspire you to success. But … [Read more...]
Apple’s Tim Cook Had This Epiphany In His 30’s That Made Life Simpler And Happier
In one heartfelt sentence, the tech titan revealed his clarifying, simplifying purpose in life.
At a Dreamforce conference last fall, Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked an important question by Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff (as reported by Business Insider): "When you … [Read more...]
A 27-Year Study Says 1 Thing Is Key to Happiness and Longevity in Work and Life
It all comes from one thing that you can spark with eight questions to yourself.
Here's a news flash: In today's world, work and life are intertwined beyond separability. We'd love to work longer, more productively, with more passion, and live that … [Read more...]
Want to Better Remember What You Learn? Recent Research Says Try 10 Minutes of Mindfulness Beforehand
A 10-minute (or less) mindfulness exercise may leave you feeling refreshed and help you remember more.
We've all been there. At a training, I mean, and a good one. When it comes time later on to remember what you learned though, good luck. To remedy the situation, there are … [Read more...]
5 Mantras to Lift You Up When It Feels Like Your Company Is Tearing You Down
Far too many are working someplace that makes them feel like just a number, at best. These five doses of perspective will reignite your personal power.
As a writer, speaker and ex-corporate veteran I’ve had exposure to thousands of people slogging it out in the trenches of Company XYZ, trying to advance their projects, prospects, … [Read more...]
The 7 Laws of Effectively Leading From a Distance
Uncertain Times Call For Certain Next Steps
I’ve written about remote work and working from home quite a bit in the past. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, I find I no longer have to start articles on this topic by … [Read more...]
The Future of Remote Work Is Happening Now. Here’s How to Make It Work for You
The office environment that many grew up with will soon be a relic.
Remote work has gone from mainstream to rushing river. The evil coronavirus has seen to that. While the productivity boosts of working from home were getting press, as … [Read more...]
A 2-Year Stanford Study Shows the Astonishing Productivity Boost of Working From Home
The jury was out on the productivity effect of working from home. It has returned with a surprising verdict.
There has been much debate about working from home and whether or not it's a productivity boost or major productivity drain. Paranoid managers envision employees lying on their … [Read more...]