By now, you’ve read enough summaries of the unthinkable year that was 2020. In this, the opening week of content from The Blog for 2021, I wanted to focus on hope. And so, I share … [Read more...]
6 Not-So-Obvious Reasons Seemingly Happy Employees Quit
Learn to spot these subtle signs to avoid the heartaches and headaches of sudden employee exits
Finding talent is hard. Losing it is hard to take. It's even harder when you feel blindsided. You already know why disgruntled employees turn sour--a terrible boss, … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Spot the Walking Disengaged (Before It’s Too Late)
It's a zombie wasteland of disengaged employees out there. Here's how to spot them and bring 'em back to the living
Do you suspect the dead walk among you at work? I'm talking about disengaged employees who lethargically shuffle through the day and infect other employees. And … [Read more...]
A Biologist’s Study of ‘Superchickens’ Reveals a Surprising Truth for Leaders
A scientist's study of chicken productivity sheds light on leaders' "feed the superstars" default
Entrepreneur and author Margaret Heffernan called attention to a fascinating study by Purdue biologist William Muir in a recently highlighted TED talk. Muir was studying the … [Read more...]
Science Reveals 11 Reasons Compassion at Work Matters (Just In Time for World Kindness Day)
You don't get off work for World Kindness Day. But it's something you should never call in sick for--here's why and how not to
With Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey grabbing headlines these days for horrific workplace behavior, World Kindness Day--which is today--comes just in time. Science … [Read more...]
Research Says Blowing Off This Simple Daily Habit Will Absolutely Kill Your Productivity
You can stick to this habit and do it right with these three simple tip
Maximizing your productivity takes an all-out effort. It requires experimenting with proven productivity hacks, mastering your email, and leveraging productivity … [Read more...]
A 100-Year Google Study Will Reveal the Future of Work. Follow Its 4 Steps to Uncover What’s Next for Your Company
Google's People Innovation Lab is every company's dream. Get the 80 for 20 output with a lot fewer resources
Ah, to have the resources of a behemoth like Google. Their famed People Innovation Lab is a prime example of something every company that cares about retention, … [Read more...]
The Surprising Career Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep, According to a New Study
This new study will open your eyes on the power of shut-eye
It's not hard to imagine the impact that getting enough sleep can have on the next day's productivity and ability to focus. You only have to wake up … [Read more...]
This Is What People Think of You When You Wear Headphones at Work (According to an 800-Person Study)
So many use headphones at work, so few know what it says about them.
Plenty of us engage in the habit of listening to music (or podcasts or the news, etc.) at work for a variety of reasons (especially for productivity). In fact, a … [Read more...]
A 5-Year Study Says Those Who Develop This 1 Trait Get Better, Productivity Enhancing Sleep
Develop this trait by doing these five things and better sleep won't be just a dream.
We all know the importance of getting a good night's sleep. Set aside all the health-type bonuses for doing so, just the productivity gains and related career … [Read more...]