INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) Ever consider the difference between motivation and inspiration? It’s worth thinking about, especially as a leader. Motivation … [Read more...]
Issue #114: On a Brilliant Way to Deal with Rejection, a Leader’s Relationship with Uncertainty, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) One of the more common questions I get from leaders is, “How do I manage uncertainty?” I give them my best advice, and then I ask them … [Read more...]
Issue #93: On Having a Dream to Shoot for, How LeBron James Stays Focused, and More
INSIGHTS (on leadership/self-leadership) This is me taking in the famous “Hollywood” sign, from a well-positioned rooftop restaurant. I was brunching here when I overheard … [Read more...]
Elon Musk Wants You To Fear 1 Thing When Interacting With Him (Your Employees Should Fear This Too)
Every leader should facilitate this fear.
Elon Musk certainly has no shortage of self-confidence and is known for his bold leadership lessons and business and personal advice he emphatically shares. Despite the brashness, … [Read more...]
Be Inspired By Steve Jobs’s Last Words And Live An Awesome Life.
The icon inspired right up to his last breath with words that inspire you to make more of each of yours.
A few years back, a meme was circulating about Steve Jobs supposed deathbed speech on the evils of pursuing a life of wealth. Except, it wasn't true (I … [Read more...]
Research with 3,000 Executives Reveals 3 Rules for Giving Praise and Encouragement
Reward your good intentions by rewarding others in the right way.
I learned long ago as a leader that the more credit, praise, and encouragement you give away, the more that comes back. The truth is, we’re all starving for it. Research I … [Read more...]
Psychology Says This Surprising Reason May Be Why You’re So Exhausted at Work
The good news is you can do something about it.
“Exhaustion” has got to be one of Webster Dictionary’s words of the year so far. Endless Zoom calls, working from home now redefined as “working more, from home,” wondering if your … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Cope with a Bad Boss
You can manage toxic managers. It takes deep breaths and these half-dozen hacks
There’s nothing more devastating to one’s engagement level, happiness, or productivity than a toxic boss. They change the entire way you view your … [Read more...]
These 9 Forces Drain Your Energy for Work More Than Anything
Lost that lovin' feeling at work? Reignite your passion by countering these 9 insidious inspiration drains
Remember when you didn’t even have to try to feel inspired at work? Inspiration was everywhere. Everything was exciting, interesting, … [Read more...]
Science Says ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ Week Has Astonishing Health Benefits
February 12th marks the beginning of Random Acts of Kindness week -- so get in on the acts.
Geesh, does the world ever need this week. The global phenomenon that is Random Acts of Kindness week is upon us: February 12-18, 2017. We as co-workers -- nay, … [Read more...]