No matter how polished you are, that next interview can be daunting and create self-doubt. What do interviewers tend to look for? What are the exact words to … [Read more...]
9 Ways to Quickly Improve a Toxic Workplace Culture
Though you can't change a workplace entirely by yourself, these much-needed actions go a long way
Toxic workplaces are never just about the collection of toxic individuals exhibiting egregious behavior. They're about cultures gone askew, unproductive or … [Read more...]
17 Sacrifices the Best Leaders Willingly Make for Their Team
Leadership is about what you give up, not just what you take on
Part of being a leader is picking the right priorities. Good leaders have a knack for knowing what to take on. Great leaders also know what to give up. True leaders … [Read more...]
How to Foster the 1 Thing Employees Would Sacrifice a Quarter of Their Income For
A quarter of anyone's salary is a lot of scratch to give up. What's worthy of the sacrifice?
The quest to keep employees motivated is a never-ending one. But that quest is even further challenged when we realize that 70 percent of employees are … [Read more...]
This Huge Study Shows How to Raise Successful Kids Who Aren’t Perfectionists
The study shows the wrong kind of youth movement--one of rising perfectionism. Here's why it's bad, and what to do.
I’d hazard a guess that one out of every three interview respondents uses “I’m just too much of a perfectionist” as the weakness to talk about in interviews–as if it were an … [Read more...]
How to be an Outstanding Mentor to Others
With mentorship comes great responsibility. Here's how mentors can do it - greatly.
Mentors, you want big box-office for the time you spend outside of that box you call an office on mentoring, right? Here’s the mission briefing for becoming a … [Read more...]
Try This 1 Simple Framework to Get the Respect at Work That You Deserve
It can be devastating when you feel you're not getting the respect you deserve. Fight back with this framework.
There’s very little more soul-crushing than when you don’t feel respected and valued at work. I’d venture to say that over the portfolio of our career, we all will experience, at a … [Read more...]
Stop Undermining Yourself In These 7 Ways to Be More Self-Confident
Self-Confidence is hard enough to maintain so why would we contribute to the opposite? And yet we do, unwittingly--here's how.
There are many success lessons to draw from and success inducing behaviors to emulate. But nothing might be as important for success as … [Read more...]
As Offices Re-Open It’s Time to Rekindle Camaraderie. Science Shows You 8 Ways How
We're all stretched too thin, so how about some depth? Build camaraderie and build a longer, richer life.
Call it the Great Camaraderie Conundrum. Before COVID-19 hit, research indicated that 80 percent of us were spending more time with co-workers than family. At some point, that will … [Read more...]
Learning to Lead Yourself First is the Real Secret to Great Leadership
If you want to climb the ladder as a leader, you can't miss the first rung--learning how to lead yourself. Two Indiana University experts show how.
Everyone and their mother has their secret to leadership and there’s no shortage of articles on leadership lessons extracted from virtually … [Read more...]