“Exhaustion” has got to be one of Webster Dictionary’s words of the year so far. Endless Zoom calls, working from home now redefined as “working more, from home,” wondering if your … [Read more...]
Stop Doing These 9 Things if You Don’t Want to Come Across as Insecure
Job security is evasive enough--why would you chase away goodwill with insecurity? Here's how to avoid it.
Researchers at the University of Melbourne are one of many groups to have proven a very direct link between self-confidence and success. So why on earth … [Read more...]
These 4 States Have The Least Engaged Employees According to This 31 Million Person Study
A massive study shows the state of the American workplace and the state of States' employee engagement levels. It ain't good
Okay, so fueling interstate rivalries is something better left to sports I suppose. But I couldn't resist when I saw Gallup's State of the American Workplace Report. The … [Read more...]
There Are Major Consequences to Giving Employees Autonomy If You Allow These 8 Things to Happen
The surprising dark side of granting autonomy can be avoided -- the effort is 1000 percent worth it.
The best leaders don't horde power, they give it away -- by granting autonomy (defined here as giving decision rights and freedom to operate to employees without your … [Read more...]
Highly Confident People Avoid These 14 Behaviors
Those who are certain of themselves tend to avoid these actions
An organization is never more confident than its leader, which accentuates the importance for leaders to display unswerving confidence in themselves, their … [Read more...]
9 Ways to Quickly Improve a Toxic Workplace Culture
Though you can't change a workplace entirely by yourself, these much-needed actions go a long way
Toxic workplaces are never just about the collection of toxic individuals exhibiting egregious behavior. They're about cultures gone askew, unproductive or … [Read more...]
17 Sacrifices the Best Leaders Willingly Make for Their Team
Leadership is about what you give up, not just what you take on
Part of being a leader is picking the right priorities. Good leaders have a knack for knowing what to take on. Great leaders also know what to give up. True leaders … [Read more...]
17 Phrases Great Leaders Never Say to Employees
There's just no room in great leadership for this verbal spew.
Writer Maya Angelou was only half right when she said that people won't remember what you said, but they'll always remember how you made them feel. True, unless you're talking … [Read more...]
Want to Be a Beloved Leader to Your Employees? Develop These 5 Habits
Practicing these five powerful tenets of leadership will make you unforgettable to employees and irreplaceable to employers
The thing I wanted more than anything “growing up” as a leader was to be unforgettable to employees–for my impact on their performance, growth, happiness, and life. Did I … [Read more...]
How to Foster the 1 Thing Employees Would Sacrifice a Quarter of Their Income For
A quarter of anyone's salary is a lot of scratch to give up. What's worthy of the sacrifice?
The quest to keep employees motivated is a never-ending one. But that quest is even further challenged when we realize that 70 percent of employees are … [Read more...]